’s Latest Release: Single Page Locking, Support for Animated GIFs, and More

This release includes several new features, design changes, and bug fixes that aim to enhance the user experience and streamline brand management workflows. This blog post will highlight some of the most significant updates in this release.

Cleaner Page Slugs and Single Page Locking

One of the main features in this release is the cleaner page slugs, which simplifies the page URLs and makes them more user-friendly. For example, the slug “introduction-1” is now transformed to “introduction” automatically. This update should help users navigate brand guides more easily and find the information they need faster.

Another useful addition is the support for locking single pages for Business Pro and Agency users. This feature allows users to restrict access to specific pages in their brand guide, making managing sensitive information easier and maintaining control over brand assets. When other users try to access a locked page, a dialog to upgrade to the Business Pro or Agency plan is shown.

Animated GIFs and Checkered Background now supports animated GIFs, allowing users to upload and display GIFs directly in the Image Element. The platform uses the original upload for GIFs, which ensures high-quality animations and reduces the file size. Additionally, the platform now indicates transparency on images with a “Chessboard background”, which makes it easier to see which parts of the image are transparent.

New Text Element and Color Palette Enhancements

The new text element now has placeholders instead of pre-filled text, which should simplify the process of adding text to brand guides. Moreover, adding a border around colors in the color palette elements makes them more visible, especially when used with white color backgrounds.

Guide Management Improvements now redirects users with only one brand guide to their guide automatically, which saves time and avoids confusion. These improvements should help users manage their brand guides more effectively and ensure uninterrupted access to their brand assets.

Design Changes and Bug Fixes

bug fixes

This release also includes some design changes, such as font color and weight adjustments, and making the size of various icons more consistent. In terms of bug fixes, has addressed issues related to image deletion, pptx file upload, error messages, and clickable buttons in the add element block dropdown. Additionally, the platform has fixed a problem related to downloading multiple files as a zip file, which was already patched before the release.’s latest release brings several new features, design changes, and bug fixes that aim to make brand management easier and more efficient. From cleaner page slugs and single page locking to support for animated GIFs and color palette enhancements, these updates should help users create and manage brand guides more effectively. If you’re a user, be sure to check out these new features and improvements and let us know what you think!